Equity Policy


We believe our community should be truly open for everyone. Hence, we are committed to providing a friendly, safe, inclusive, and welcoming environment for all, regardless of gender identity, sexual orientation, caste, disability, place of birth, ethnicity, or religion.

This Equity Policy outlines our expectations from all attendees, students, vendors, and participants as well as the consequences for Prohibited Behaviour. We invite all to help us realize a safe and positive experience for everyone.

This Policy will be uniformly applied to all attendees which includes the student body of the University, along with all participants from different colleges and institutions.


  1. The Organizing Committee of Kairaan 2024 is committed to making the event scheduled to be conducted from March 21 to March 23, 2024, free from discrimination, harassment, bullying, and vilification. The OC aims to promote conduct which fosters equity, inclusion, respect for social, cultural, and gender diversity.
  2. To achieve the aforementioned objectives, the OC seeks to implement the Policy for Kairaan 2024.
  3. The Policy prescribes the Code of Conduct for the event for all Participants and other Stakeholders.
  4. Any violation of the Code will be subject to action by the Equity Officers and other prescribed norms and policies of National Law University Odisha, Cuttack.
  5. The Policy will govern the resolution process for complaints received during the events conducted in Kairaan.
  6. Any questions regarding the Policy should be directed to the Equity Officers.


For the purpose of the Policy, the following words shall have the respective meaning:

  • 'Attendees': shall mean all the individuals attending the events as provided under Annexure I of the Policy;
  • 'Appropriate Authority(s)': shall mean Internal Complaints Committee or The Proctorial Board.
  • 'Equity Officer(s)': shall mean the officers listed in Clause X of the Policy;
  • 'Gender Sensitization Committee' (GSC): shall mean the body constituted under Rule 4 of the National Law University Odisha [NLUO] Sexual Harassment Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal Regulations, 2021;
  • 'Harassment': shall mean offensive comments (verbal, written, or otherwise) directed towards some person(s), relating to their gender identity, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, religion, place of birth, disability, or caste. It also includes inappropriate use of nudity and/or sexual images in public spaces (including presentation slides); deliberate intimidation, stalking or following of person(s).
  • 'Internal Complaints Committee, NLU Odisha': shall mean the committee formed under the NLUO Sexual Harassment Regulations, 2021;
  • 'Participant(s)': shall mean the individuals/contingents participating in events provided under Annexure II of the Policy;
  • 'Positive and Active Consent': carries the meaning prescribed to it in Clause 4 of the Policy;
  • 'Proctorial Board': shall mean the board constituted vide the office order dated ______ issued by the Registrar, NLU Odisha;
  • 'Stakeholder(s)': shall mean the National Law University Odisha, Kathajodi Campus, Sector-13, CDA, Cuttack – 753015;
  • 'Student Council' (SC): shall mean the body constituted as per Article IV of the Constitution for Student Council National Law University Odisha, 2019.
  • 'Vendors': shall mean individuals engaged in the operation of stalls and provision of services during 'Kairaan'.


I. Respect and Inclusivity:

  • Refrain from engaging in behaviour that undermines or attacks the caste, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, religion, ethnicity or other elements of personal autonomy and liberty of any Stakeholder;
  • Avoid any form of bullying and/or physical, violent, or aggressive behaviour discrimination, harassment, and be considerate, respectful, and collaborative.
  • Be mindful of your surroundings and of your fellow attendees. Alert the Appropriate Authority if you notice a dangerous situation or someone in distress.

II. Alcohol and Substance Use:

  • Possession of intoxicating and illegal substances and consumption of the same in open premises (for example: lecture halls, academic block, parks, parking area etc.) is strictly prohibited.
  • Attendees must not bring or use any substances that may impair judgment or pose a risk to themselves or others.

III. Event Participation

i) Participation in Activities:
  • Engage in activities in a responsible and respectful manner.
  • Respect the instructions and guidelines provided by event organizers.
ii) Safety First:
  • Prioritize personal safety and the safety of others.
  • Report any unsafe conditions or behavior to event organizers or security personnel.

IV. Social Media and Photography

i) Responsible Posting:
  • Be mindful of what you post on social media platforms.
  • Obtain consent before taking and posting pictures of others.


For the sake of clarity, the following rules on Prohibited Conduct shall be applicable to all students at the University, Participants from other institutions, vendors, and any other attendee of KAIRAAN 2024.

  • Intimidating, harassing, abusive, discriminatory, derogatory, or demeaning, speech or expression, either by materials or by conduct, done by any attendees of the event and related event activities.
  • Harassment of any nature including but not limited to any inappropriate sexual conduct or behaviour which is offensive, abusive, belittling or threatening to an individual.
  • Harassment for the purpose of the abovementioned provision includes offensive comments (verbal, written, or otherwise) directed towards some person(s), relating to their gender identity, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, religion, place of birth, disability, or caste. It also includes inappropriate use of nudity and/or sexual images in public spaces (including presentation slides); deliberate intimidation, stalking or following of person(s).
  • Discriminatory speech, by conduct or otherwise, which seeks to subordinate others on the grounds of gender identity, sexual orientation, race, religion, disability, place of birth or caste, also falls within the category of Prohibited Conduct.
  • Pushing, shoving or use of any physical force whatsoever against any person, which in any way creates a disturbance that is disruptive or dangerous, also falls within the category of Prohibited Conduct.
  • Possession of any item that can be used as a weapon, which may cause danger to others if used in a certain manner, also falls within the category of Prohibited Conduct.
  • Any boisterous, lewd, or offensive behaviour or language, including but not limited to using sexually explicit or offensive language, materials or conduct, or any language, behaviour or content that contains profanity, obscene gestures, or racial, religious, or ethnic slurs, also falls within the category of Prohibited Conduct.
  • Possessing any alcoholic beverages and/or any illegal substance, including but not limited to narcotics, marijuana, or other illegal drugs, also falls within the category of Prohibited Conduct.
  • Smoking of cigarettes or e-cigarettes on campus also falls within the category of Prohibited Conduct.
  • Failure to obey any other rules or regulations or instructions made by the Appropriate Authority, also falls within the category of Prohibited Conduct.

The aforementioned list is not exhaustive but only indicative of the form of conduct that shall fall within the purview of the Policy.


  1. All Attendees are required to seek Positive and Active Consent while engaging in any form of interaction during Kairaan.
  2. While participating in any of the events conducted during Kairaan, all Attendees shall refrain from making any untoward or unwarranted advances that impinge upon the dignity of an individual.
  3. To acquire Positive and Active Consent, Stakeholders must ensure that the other party/ies in any situation is freely and voluntarily agreeing to participate in a particular conduct. If any Stakeholder is unable to determine the Positive and Active Consent of the party/ies involved, they should refrain from indulging in the said activity.
  4. The Attendee shall not be considered to have obtained Positive and Active Consent if:
    • the other party has explicitly denied engaging in the solicited conduct;
    • the other party is engaging in the activity under duress;
    • one uses their social status or a position of authority to influence the discretion and/or pressurize the other party to indulge in any activity;
    • the other party is under the influence of intoxicating substances;
    • the other party is uncomfortable or anxious.
  5. Any form of coercion on the other party/ies to consume any prohibited substances shall be deemed as a violation of Positive and Active Consent.

The aforementioned guidelines are essential to ensure a respectful and safe environment for all participants.


  • Any student of the University, who is either participating in the cultural events of KAIRAAN 2024 or is otherwise present on the campus of the University, and is found to indulge in any Prohibited Conduct, misconduct, malpractice, or illegal possession or consumption of prohibited substances, or any activity that either brings disrepute to the goodwill of the University or the law-and-order situation, within the campus or outside, shall be first escorted back to his/her respective Hostel. Subject to the discretion of the Equity Officers, they will not be allowed to attend the remaining event. The Proctorial Board of the University may hold disciplinary proceedings.
  • Any attendee of KAIRAAN 2024 including all participating teams and individuals, are absolutely prohibited from indulging in any Unacceptable Behaviour, misconduct, malpractice, or illegal possession or consumption of prohibited substances, or any other activity that either brings disrepute to the goodwill of the University or the law-and-order situation, within the campus or outside. Any attendee found doing so, subject to the discretion of the Appropriate Authority, shall be immediately disqualified from their respective events and be escorted outside the University campus.
  • No student at the University, participating individuals from other institutions, or any other attendee, may use lack of knowledge of this Code of Conduct as a justification for a breach of the Code of Conduct.


  1. The Board of Equity Officers must comprise:
    • Member(s) from the ICC
    • Member(s) from the GSC
    • Member(s) from the SC
    • Member(s) from the Core Committee of Kairaan
  2. Any Participant, Stakeholder or person within the OC may approach the Equity Officers through written/oral communication in case of any grievance against any individual or group of individuals.
  3. For the aforementioned purpose, a panel consisting of all the Equity Officers shall preside over the complaint received.
  4. All reported incidents will be kept confidential and be handled with the utmost sensitivity.
  5. The panel after assessing the merits of the complaint may pass a resolution against the individual or group of individuals in relation to whom the complaint has been made.
  6. While assessing the merits of the complaint the panel shall bear in mind the following principles:
    • An equal opportunity of hearing shall be given to both the parties;
    • The assessment of the complaint shall follow the principles of natural justice and due process;
    • All complaints shall be assessed confidentially keeping in mind the nature and sensitivity of the complaint.
  7. The resolution passed may include warnings, undertakings or sanctions including but not limited to a ban from participation in Kairaan or ban from a particular event etc.
  8. In the event that the complaint is deemed to be of a serious nature, the Equity Officers shall have the discretion to refer the complaint to the Appropriate Authorities.
  9. In the event of a complaint lodged against a member of the OC, the Equity Officers, in conjunction with the Core Committee of Kairaan, shall adjudicate the said complaint. Subsequent actions shall be taken in accordance with the provisions outlined in Clause 8.7.
  10. In the event, that a complaint is advanced against an Equity Officer, the OC shall determine whether the other Equity Officers share any form of conflict of interest with the Equity Officer against whom the complaint has been made. Only upon the satisfaction of the OC that there is an absence of such conflict of interest, will the other Equity Officers be eligible to take up the complaint.


  1. The clauses and mandates of the Policy will be subject to the existing college grievance redressal mechanisms including but not limited to the Proctorial Board and the Internal Complaints Committee, NLU Odisha.
  2. Notwithstanding the action taken by the Equity Officers, the complainant shall reserve their right to approach any other grievance redressal forum as per the norms and policies of NLU Odisha.


All determinations of appropriate or inappropriate behaviour shall be done by Equity Officers who shall have the discretion. The decision(s) of the Equity Officers will be final. The Equity Officers shall have the authority to determine questions pertaining to the interpretation of the provisions of the Policy.